Pay Online
Click the link above to pay your ticket online.
The court must receive a response to your ticket within sixty (60) days from the date you received the ticket. Failure to respond by that date will result in a default judgment against you. The court may assess additional fines, costs and fees and/or suspend your driver privileges for failing to respond.
If you wish to ADMIT the allegations set forth against you, and if you do not wish to appear in Court, you must pay your ticket within sixty (60) days of receipt of the ticket. If you cannot pay by this date, you MUST submit a motion for an extension, in writing, click here to request an extension.
If you wish to DENY the allegations set forth against you a trial date will be assigned to you. At your trial the issuing Officer will be present. You may bring any witnesses or evidence to the trial. The Court may assist you in bringing witnesses to trial.
The Court does not accept partial payments, but the Court can give you time to make your full payment at a later date. If you need more time to pay your ticket you MUST file a motion for an extension, in writing, via mail or via email at
By Mail: You may pay via mail with a certified check, cashier’s check or money order.
By Phone: You may pay over the phone by calling 317-803-9155.
Online: You may pay by credit/debit card online by clicking here. You will need your ticket number or cause number to complete the payment transaction.
If you fail to Admit or Deny your ticket within sixty (60) days or Fail to Appear at your court date, the City Court will notify the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) to suspend your driving privileges. The next notice you will receive will be from the BMV notifying you of the suspension of your driving privileges.
If your ticket was for a moving violation, such as Speeding or Unsafe Lane Change, points will be assigned to your driving record. The points will be part of your driving record for two years. If your ticket was for a non-moving violation, no points will be assigned to your license.
The Court does not have information about your driving record. You can call the BMV at (888) 692-6841 with any questions about your driving record.
Safe Driver Deferral
You are eligible for a Deferral if you have had no moving violation within the past six months. If you believe you are eligible and wish to apply for a Deferral please sign and mail the instruction sheet, your payment of $229.00 and copy of your ticket. You are not required to attend any classes in order to take advantage of this option. If you enter into a deferral agreement, you agree not to commit any moving violations within the next six (6) months. IF YOU HAVE A CDL YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A DEFERRAL.